本系系館即在校門口警衛室旁,安全設施完善,系館環境幾乎全天候開放,師生相處融洽,系上環境溫暖接納,系上氣氛多元包容,系上同學更是熱情有勁、團結一致,不只認真讀書,超會製作報告,舉辦各種活動、參加各種比賽也都是上下一心、發揮創意、互助合作、全力以赴,因此,彰師輔諮不但活動精彩,而且戰績輝煌、勇冠全國,這樣有向心力與活動力的系,要去哪兒找?Reason 10: Enthusiastic & Warm, Forever Beloved Friend
We have a good and tight relationship between students and teachers. The students are also enthusiastic and gregarious. They always stick together to join every competition, and try their best in it. They threw themselves into every game, racking their brains, stimulating creativity, cooperating with each other…Because of the great relationship between them, we not only have many impressive activities, but also get good grades in other games after school. Even being champion in games is not difficult for us. It is not easy to find a such complete department. But GC, NCUE is. Enthusiastic & Warm, Forever Beloved Friend, GC, NCUE, Your Best Choice.