自1998年起本系即領先全球相關系所,創建了全國最大的心理學網站群-台灣心理諮商資訊網,以及自2000年起開設獨步亞洲與世界的網路諮商課程,近年並新開人工智慧及其應用課程,以掌握人工智以掌握人工智慧的發展趨勢,而歷年來的網路諮商與網路成癮研究更是受到國內外媒體的重視。本系不但擁有與高鐵車站同等級、一般大專院校系所罕見的網路廣播系統,更有一般心理系所少見的電腦網路教室。今年(2021年)本系更積極提升教學設備,新建四間智慧科技教室(博班一間,碩班一間,大學部兩間), 並開始陸續換裝無線網路雷射投影機,更領先全國成立精準輔導與諮商(Precision Guidance & Counseling)校級教師學術社群及開設AI與應用課程。為了您,為了台灣諮商輔導專業的發展, 彰師輔諮永遠走在最前面!!!
Reason 9: Make the best of technology, Leading from the Front
In 1998, we set up the largest net about Psychology in Taiwan, Taiwan Counseling Net, preceding other departments of guidance & counseling. We also offered a course, Cyber Counseling, which is first appeared in Asia as well the globe. The research results of Cyber Counseling and Internet Addiction we found caught media’s attention at home and abroad. Our digital public-address system is as good as High-Speed Rail Station’s, which is not common in most universities. Plus, different from other related departments of psychology, we have our own computer classroom. In this year (2021), we are trying more actively to update our equipment, such as setting up 4 new Smart Classrooms (1 for PhD student, 1 for master’s student, 2 for college student), wireless overhead projectors, and Professional Academic School Teachers Community for Precision Counseling (which set the pace), etc. On the basis of digital age, we offer courses about Artificial Intelligence and Application. We have been on the cutting edge of trends and trying our best to improve ourselves better ceaselessly, because of you and the guidance & counseling field. Make the best of technology, Leading from the Front, GC, NCUE, Your Best Choice.