告別高中的青澀歲月,就讀彰化師大輔導與諮商學系就開始進入生命的探索與成長過程,透過各種新生的聯誼活動,讓不同背景的同學互相認識與交流,更透過系上的生涯探索課程與各式各樣的新生輔導活動-新生成長營-110級,111級,112級,讓您更認識自己的限制與潛能,進而突破限制、開展潛能,這樣寶貴的人生成長過程您怎麼能錯過。Reason 12: Finding the Deep ME & Cultivating Latent Ability
Saying goodbye to the life in senior high schools, you step into a brand new travel to explore your life and to know yourselves deeper than before in GC, NCUE. By participating in a series of socializing activities for freshmen, we let different kinds of students know and interact with each other. Plus, we provide many life exploration lessons and orientation activities such as our orientation camps(110th, 111th, 112th) helping you better to know your own limits and latent abilities. With the help of the above events, you could then find out who you really are and what you really can achieve. What a helpful procedure it is. You should not miss it. Finding the Deep ME & Cultivating Latent Ability, GC, NCUE, your best choice.